ホーム 2022 ルビー祝・銀祝 合同式典 報告

2022 ルビー祝・銀祝 合同式典 報告

2022年 6期・7期 ルビー祝 & 21期・22期銀祝 合同式典の報告


佐久間神父様、トマス神父様 司式 シスター岩崎の進行による感謝の集い




6期生代表  野本 麻美子さん(A) ごあいさつ

For our “Joy of Life”
The song titled ‘You are my sun shine’ was very popular among Sophia Jr. College students. You know the reason. Because Father Gerard Barry liked this song as he was born New Orleans and nowadays it is Louisiana’s state song. We used to sing it in his English class. So this song reminds me ‘the good old days’ of College life.
10 years ago in July, I was in NY to attend Summer Workshop organized by Jazz Academy. I wanted to gain the essence of Jazz in its home country. For a week from Monday to Friday, from 10:00 to 5:00, we had several classes such as Jazz theory, ensembles, private vocal lesson as I selected. The last day, Friday afternoon performance event was scheduled to play in front of audience. Less experiences and no confidence made me so nervous. So asked the chief instructor, he was a Sax player, how to sing well in front of people. He told me, “Don’t worry, just show yourself, and express what you are. Sing a song for Joy of Life.

Yes, Joy of Life is very meaningful and precious words. For two years we studied with schoolmates and met teachers with passion and love, and how honor we were to be members of Sophia Family. This college life is one of my Joys of Life. Also today we gathered here to celebrate our anniversaries for 40th and 25th with good old friends, and this moment is absolutely Joy of Life.

Already more than half-century had passed, and recognizing my age makes me headache, but we became old enough to know the truth that life has both joys and sorrows. And each of us can recall own sorrows with tears and regrets. On the other hand, experiences lead us to learn the fact that sorrows can be shared and minimized by supports from others. Please bring back Ignatius belief, “Men and women for others, with others”. So let us have time to think about those who are now suffering and facing sorrows in Japan and in the world, and what we can do and what we MUST do to find ways to let them free from sorrows. I believe joy comes after sorrow.

We would like to thank Father Thomas for peaceful occasion that we could pray for our friends who had passed away. It is a pity and so sad that they are unable to join, but I can feel and imagine they are sitting there with happy smiles.

Lastly, we would like to appreciate all Sophia Alumnae members for their kind supports for preparations of this ceremony. Obviously it took two years as postponed by Covit-19, but finally we could manage to come to this wonderful stage of our celebration. Thank you so much.

~♬ 会場のみなさんで歌いました ♬~
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don’ t take my sunshine away

7期生代表  中積 康恵さん(A) ごあいさつ

7期のメインイベントといえば、二年の時のソフィアジュニア祭です。2年で文化祭実行委員長になり、それまで上短では行われたことがなかった「学祭に歌手を呼んでコンサートをする」というビッグイベントを計画しました。誰を呼ぶかを話し合う中で、当時ニューミュージックの全盛期だったため、当時流行っていた松原みきにするか、デビューしたばかりのチャゲ&飛鳥にするかの論争があり、私が大推薦をしたチャゲアスを呼ぶことになったのですが、もちろんインターネットなんてない時期なので、どうやって呼べばよいのかわからず、プロモーターみたいな人をやっと探し、森田さん(しいたけ)と一緒に渋谷の事務所に行って、相談をして呼んでもらえることになったのですが、その時の予算がギャラを含めて総額85万でした。チケットを売ったり、体育館の会場のセッティングなど未経験なのによくやったと思いますが、ギリギリになってコンサートをするための電力が体育館のものでは足りないということがわかり、電源車を借りなくてはいけなくなったのですが、予算が足りず交渉してやっとOKが出た覚えがあります。その時のコンサートは音楽番組としてテレビで放送されました。中でも一番の思い出は、コンサートが始まる前に控室にしていた、食堂の入り口のコーヒーの自動販売機で、飛鳥にコーヒーをご馳走になった事で、事あるごとにいろんな人に自慢していたのですが、あんな事件が起きて、あまり人に話せなくなったのが悲しいです。私は卒業後一年だけ旅行会社で働いた後、ハワイで二年、その後アメリカで七年以上仕事をしましたが、いつも「Your English is so good」と言われて、留学していないのに何でそんなにうまいのと言われるのがうれしかったです。それもすべて上智短期大学英語科で学んだからだと今でも胸を張って言えます。先生方本当にありがとうございました。これをもちまして挨拶とさせていただきます。











